Objectives We All

Everyone without exception is principally aimed at achieving the world happy and happy hereafter. Maybe you also aims like that, why would not kabahagiaan world, because the position we are now again exist in this mortal world, as well as also for the afterlife, because we see in reality all that live on dead, starts as we know, including our grandparents, our grandmothers, our older brother, even our children before us. So we are more confident conviction for going after this life there's death.

While we think if after death there is life again? ... it's so confidence to all that will live again after death, experienced by humans including;
a. Nature of the uterus (womb We are in our mothers),
b. Natural World (We are in the world today),
c. Natural Bury (We buried in the ground),
d. Nature Hereafter, the phases:
  1. Wake up from Bury Natural (Natural barjah, Occurred and damaged the natural world wake up from the grave),
  2. Calculation Nature (Nature in which we are all accountable for our actions),
  3. Natural Mijan (Consideration between good and bad deeds)
  4. Determination of Nature (The good in heaven and the bad in hell),
Wallohu A'lam, Only God Almighty knows best.

Some say only four of nature, including Rahim Natural, Natural World, Nature and Nature Bury Hereafter. That nature is our first pass, until now positioned second nature; the natural world, while we later determined accountability of our actions today.

The Prophet advised: "We should ask God, the prayer: ربنا أتنا فى الدنيا حسنة وفى الأخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار وادخلنا الجنة مع الأبرار "My Lord!, Give us all the happiness the world and the hereafter, and be saved from the punishment of hell fire, and put us all into Thy heaven with joy." Now with that as a human would expect it, Allah knows all that governed our conduct and away from what is forbidden, Let us together prove taqwa to Him in good faith.

May we all achieved the happiness of the world and the hereafter, Amiin!. Continue to strive and succeed greetings to all.

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